Action for Happiness - Altruistic August

In these summer months I know a lot of people have a different routine to the rest of the year - particularly those with children or who work in schools, as the long summer break is here! 

Many of those who read my posts aren't in that position now - their children, if they have them, are grown up, so the summer holiday period no longer has such day to day impact - but even those of us who aren't still doing school runs see different routines and changes to our day to day through August, as the whole world changes pace.

The weather in the UK is, as always, changeable! Whether you've got a summer storm, some clammy heat, or a beautiful clear sky, remember to take care of yourself - body and mind - with some time outdoors, appropriate clothing and protection in place (whether that's a high factor sun cream or a brolly!) and to eat and drink enough healthy food, allow yourself some treats, and get some exercise to keep your blood pumping and your mind alert. 

As always, the Action for Happiness calendar gives us some gentle daily reminders and prompts to build our best mindset, our healthiest interactions with others, and our happiest days. 

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The theme for this month is Altruism - which means a concern for the well-being of others. Altruism in action isn't grand gestures - it's the small, simple ways that you show you're thinking of someone, and supporting them. As you scan through the calendar above you'll see lots of simple ideas and suggestions - all of which take very little of your time, your energy, or money - but which can have such an enormous impact on someone else. 

There are times when we all feel a little overwhelmed, and like there's just one thing after another, sapping our energy and grinding us down - so if you don't feel that you have the capacity or capability to give any of yourself to someone else, even in a small way, remember to give yourself that little kindness. To remember your own inner, innate good. To say something positive, praise yourself for a success, even if it seems small, and reward yourself.